Hidden Treasures of Eastern Samar: Minasangay and Canhugas

When I was still in elementary, every year during summer vacation, me and my grandmother always went to my parents hometown to spend our vacation. Llorente is a City that can be found in the eastern part of Samar, an island in the Visayas region of the Philippines. Since my grandmother wasn't the adventurous type, we just always spent time with my family in the usual places that can be found in Llorente like the Tongkip Beach. After my grandmother passed away, I wasn't able to visit my parents hometown until the year 2010. But during that time, I was hesitant to go outside because I don't want my skin to get burned. So for the whole two weeks of my vacation, I stayed inside the house sleeping. Now after almost eight years after my last vacation, I once again come back to where my parents live and this time, I promised myself not to spent my vacation sleeping inside the house. And I believe I made the right decision because I just found hidden paradise in the land of Eastern Samar.

Minasangay Island: Marine Eco-Park & Resort

Minasangay Island is not an actual island. It is a marine eco-park & resort that can be found in Balangkayan, Eastern Samar. It is mostly known for the conservation of reefs and sea turtles. Once you are there in their beach, you'll be able to see different fishes freely swimming. Some were small, some were big, and some were colourful. If you are lucky enough, you just might even spot an octopus hidding behind the stones.

If I were to rate this place, I would give it 3 out of 5. The good thing about this place is since it isn't fully developed yet, the entrance fee is only 20Php. Another good thing is it's ideal for swimming since it doesn't have waves, considering that it is facing the pacific ocean. The only problem that I saw was that, if you are not much of a swimmer, you wouldn't enjoy the place that much becuse the water is deep, since it is ideal for cliff diving. And if you're looking for a place with a beautiful view that you cn post on instgram, it doesn't have that much of a view due to the fact that what you will see is a vast ocean. Unless you have a drone, the place isn't the picture perfect kind of place.

Canhugas Beach Park

Now if you prefer picture perfect view, and up to a little adventure, Canhugas is a place to go to. Canhugas is known for rough pacific waves crashing on big stones near the shore. Within these big stones can be found a lagoon that can be used for swimming. At the same time, everytime the waves crash against the stones, the lagoon overflows which makes what seems to be a small falls.

If I were to rate this place, I'd say it's also a 3 out of 5. No doubt, the place is very beautiful and a very rare site to see. The entance fee is also 20Php just like in Minasangay. But since there are some stones blocking the big waves, not much water reaches the shore, and the only ideal place to swim is the lagoon that can be found in the stones. You also need to walk your way to the lagoon, and you must put on your slippers, or much better, your shoes because the floor have rough and pointy stones in it. And you have to check wether it's high tide or low tide to avoid accidents. Canhugas Beach Park can be found in Hernani, Eastern Samar.


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