Planetshakers, Live in Manila!

Nothing is Impossible, The Anthem, Limitless, and This is Our Time are just one of the few songs sang by million Christians all around the world that were composed and popularized by one of the most influential christian band in the world, the Planetshakers.

 Planetshakers, the worship team of the Planetshakers City Church that is based in Australia excites the Filipino christian community as they announced that they will be coming here in Manila.

The truth is, I was never really into their song before. I preferred Hillsong's gospel songs since I am more exposed to their songs. I didn't really like the idea of making gospel songs sounding like rock songs. But not long ago, a our church started to include Planetshaker's songs into our line-up songs. After hearing some of their songs, I was immediately mesmerized on how they pour out their hearts into their songs. I was really moved on how passionate and zealous they are when they worship God. Ever since then, I started to like and appreciate them.

So as I hear that they will be coming here in Manila, I started to become so excited. I know that so is everyone who is as passionate as they are when comes to worshiping. So save the date for Planetshakers Live in Manila in August 14, 2015.


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