Like a turtle

I don't know what it is that I see with sea turtles that made me fall in love with them. And everytime someone ask me if what will I be if I were an animal, I would immidiately tell them that I'm a turtle. I have read in a post before, that people who tends to look at turtles might mean that they are going through some difficulties and just like a turtle, they need to be courageous. I realize, it is true.

Four years ago, I signed a contract in a BPO company. It wasn't the kind of job that I was hoping to get but during that time, all I wanted was to land a job. But it was also the darkest days of my life. Every day was a torture to me. I was so depressed and have lost my will to go on with my life. Until I made a decision that would later on cause more difficulties. I decided to end my contract and resigned. I told myself that I would never go back to that kind of job again.

Four years later, I have already moved on from my past. I started to gain my confidence again. But there is something missing. I have no job. I tried to apply for different company, and was able to land a job for a year. The only problem was the salary was too small. I decided to quit and look for a job again. Everyday, my needs rose. And the only companies that wants to employ me arw BPO companies. I prayed and prayed and prayed to God to give me wisdom and guidance so that I could make the right decision.

Last month, I decided to sign another contract ib a BPO company. I'm so scared. I don't want to go through that emotional breakdown that I had before. But I'm reminded of the turtle. Though they are slow, they still make progress. And I want to make progress as well. Just like the turtle, I'm going to stick my neck out of my comfort zone for me to be able to move forward. Am I still afraid? Yes. But courage is not the absence of fear, its the mastery of it. Courage is moving forward even when I'm afraid. I now I'm not in this journey alone. I'm with my big God, my Abba Father. And because of that, I have peace even in the middle of the storm.


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